How To Know if There Is a Leak in the House

As a homeowner, it is up to you to spot the signs of a plumbing problem sooner rather than later. The sooner you are able to spot that there is something going wrong with your plumbing, the sooner you will be able to get a plumber to come out for a service call. You do not want to allow a plumbing problem to exist for too long, as many issues can worsen over time. To help you better identify a plumbing issue, check out the following signs of a plumbing leak:

The Water Bill Keeps Growing in Size

Firstly, monitor your water bill. If it starts to creep up without any reason, it could be a sign of a leak. Water companies can provide you with your historical data, so you can compare your current usage with previous water usage.

You Hear Water Running but Can’t See Any

Another crucial sign is the sound of running water when everything is turned off. The sound of constant running water could be an indicator of a leak happening somewhere in the home. For example, it could sound like the spraying of water or even a slow drip of water that can only be heard late at night when the rest of the house is totally quiet.

There’s a Bad Smell

Additionally, take note of any musty or moldy smell. Leaks often lead to dampness, which can quickly develop into mold, emitting a distinct, unpleasant smell. However, over time, you may get used to the smell when you spend a lot of time in the home, only for it to become obvious when you leave the home for several hours, reminding you time and time again of the problem. It's important to address any mold issues promptly.

There's Physical Evidence

Physical signs like patches of moisture on walls, floors, or ceilings are all clear indicators of a potential leak. Unexplained damp or lush patches in your yard might also point to a leak in your outdoor plumbing.

You’re Lacking Water Pressure in the House

Also, a sudden drop in water pressure is a common sign of a leak. If your previously strong stream of water suddenly becomes a weak trickle of water, you might be dealing with a leak.

Make sure to call a skilled plumber for pipe repair service as soon as you simply suspect that there is a plumbing problem anywhere in the house. This is not a repair call that you want to delay making. 
