Tips For Dealing With A Burst Pipe This Summer

Most homeowners know that a frozen pipe in the winter could be at risk of bursting. But a burst pipe can happen any time of the year, including the summer. Extreme heat conditions could cause a change in water pressure and cause an issue for an older pipe. If you suddenly encounter a burst pipe with your plumbing this summer, you'll want to respond quickly to address the situation. Here are some emergency plumbing tips to keep in mind for a burst pipe. 

Get to the Valve if Necessary

If you have a burst pipe and the water is still coming into your home, locate your water shut-off valve and turn off the incoming water supply. A common spot might be near your water meter. If for some reason you can't turn the valve off or find it, you could try using a rubber patch on the damaged pipe or pipe clench to get the situation under control.

Open Up All Connected Faucets

Now that you've stopped water from coming into the house, you will also want to make sure all connected faucets as well as drains are taken care of. Turn on any nearby faucets, flush the toilet if necessary, and drain any water in the system to get it away from the burst pipe.

Turn Off Power

If you are going to try and assess the damage, proceed with caution. You'll want to shut off power in the area, especially if there is pooled or standing water to deal with. If you can't immediately shut off the power, unplug any nearby appliances but, again, only if it's safe to do so.

Note and Document the Damage

You will likely be making an insurance claim and the sooner you start documenting the problem, the better off you'll be. You'll also want to take a glance just to get an idea of what you need to tell the professional you will bring in to help you. Look for signs of water damage on walls or the ceiling. Take photos of everything before the clean-up process actually begins.

Contact an Emergency Plumbing Contractor

An emergency plumbing company is typically open around the clock and may be able to respond quickly to your situation.  Letting a professional tackle the situation will also go a long way toward keeping you and your family safe by allowing you to stay out of the affected area. Reach out to a local emergency plumber today to get the help you need.
