Why A Failing Water Heater Should Be Replaced

Having to wait a long time to fill a pot with hot water is annoying, and it commonly happens when the water pressure is low. When hot water has low pressure, it is a sign of trouble for the water heater in a home. Cold water might still come out of faucets at high pressures when the water heater is affecting the pressure of hot water. If the pressure for hot water is low in your home, there might be multiple problems going on with the water heater that you have not yet discovered. The time to replace the hot water tank may have arrived if multiple problems are present.

A Leaking Tank is Hazardous

When was the last time that you inspected the area around your water heater to look for signs of trouble? If there has been more moisture in the air, the water heater might have a leak if there aren't leaks in other areas of your home. If the water heater is leaking, you should notice water on the floor near the bottom of the tank. A leaking tank is not only a sign that the water heater should be replaced, but it is hazardous to your health. The water that is leaking out creates a moist environment in which mold can grow and cause health problems for your household.

Discolored Water is Not Appetizing

Water can become too unappetizing for consumption when a water heater begins to fail. The reason is that problems within the tank can cause water to change colors. Rather than having a glass of clear water to drink, the water might have a dirty appearance as it comes from the faucet. An old water heater tank can become rusty in the interior and exterior. Not only does the water look dirty in such a case, but it can have an unpleasant taste and odor as well.

A Failing Water Heater is Costly

When a water heater is in the process of going out altogether, frequent problems will usually arise. Even if the problems are repaired, they might continuously come back. Constantly having to get a water heater repaired can add up to a substantial amount of money. Rather than spending money on frequent repairs, it is wise to simply get a new water heater. The old and problematic water heater can be replaced with one that is more modern, such as a tankless water heater.

To learn more about hot water tank installations, contact a plumbing service in your area.
