Signs Your Plumbing Pipes Need Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is a plumbing technique for clearing pipe blockages. For this technique, plumbers use a high-pressure water jet to push water through blocked pipes to break down and wash away the debris. Not every plumbing blockage requires hydro jetting. Below are some signs that your plumbing pipes need hydro jetting. 

You Haven't Cleaned Your Drains in a Long Time

All drains accumulate debris or waste over time. The accumulation leads to slow drains and can cause total blockages over time. That is why regular drain flushing or cleaning should be a component of regular drain maintenance.

For some people, pouring hot water down the drain helps to keep them open. Such methods especially work for those who don't dispose of the wrong things down the drain. However, the clogs can get too much if you don't regularly clean the drains. Thus, you should get hydro jetting services if you haven't cleaned your drains for a long time.

Other Drain-Cleaning Methods Have Failed

Hydro jetting is not the only way to clean or unblock drains. Alternative methods include:

  • Using homemade drain cleaners such as vinegar, baking soda, and hot water
  • Snaking the drain
  • Using a plunger

The alternative methods may be affordable, but they do not always work. Thus, you should contact your plumber for hydro jetting if the alternative methods fail.

Tough Clogs Are Blocking Your Drains

Some clogs are so tough that you should immediately opt for hydro jetting if you know there are tough clogs in your drains. Examples of stubborn clogs include mineral deposits, hair, small tree roots, grease, and even sand and silt. For example, drain cleaners such as vinegar and hot water can dissolve organic clogs but cannot work on silt or mineral deposits.

You Don't Know What's Clogging Your Drains

You should also consider hydro jetting your drains if they are slow or blocked and you don't know the cause of the blockage. Hydro jetting is one of the best ways of cleaning stubborn drains and clogs.

You Experience Repeated Drain Blockages

Lastly, get hydro jetting if your drains keep blocking them every time you clear them. Maybe the drain cleaning methods you used didn't clear all the clogs. In such cases, even a small addition of debris or waste can slow your drains. Hydro jetting the drains can clear out the clogs in their entirety.

Hydro jetting requires a professional's involvement for effective cleaning without damage. Contact a local residential plumber if you have blockages in your drainage pipes that require hydro jetting.
