4 Reasons You May Need Temporary Fencing Rental

Most homeowners assume all fencing requires permanent installation. However, many landscaping contractors and home improvement retailers also offer temporary fencing that can stand for weeks or days. While not as effective as permanent fencing, temporary fencing satisfies many short-term needs when homeowners don't see permanent fencing in their landscaping design aesthetic. 

1. Protection During Construction Work 

Construction work involves hard matter and powerful tools. Even the safest construction sites experience sharp building material shrapnel flying erratically through the contaminated air. Temporary fencing can protect neighbors from accidents. The fence can also help protect construction workers from dangerous outside interference.

2. Local Construction Ordinances 

If you didn't want to install temporary fencing during your construction project to protect others, the government may make you do it anyway. Depending on the project and the building code regulations according to the local municipality, temporary fencing may be required to acquire the proper building permits to complete the work. The fencing can be removed after the job site is completed and cleaned. Homeowners who choose to ignore the law will fail inspection. If the homeowner continues with the work anyway, they can receive high fines much greater than the cost of installing temporary fencing. 

3. Security 

During a construction project, workers will have expensive tools and construction equipment. If left unattended during lunch or overnight, someone may be tempted to steal the items. Fencing discourages unwanted visitors. For added security, use high fences with thin slits and locks.

Fencing also provides security from critters and loose pets. Without the fence in place, a pet can get hurt on the construction site or even ruin the work.

4. Buried Pipes

Some homeowners will attempt to install permanent fencing only to discover that they can't due to gas lines or water lines underneath the desired location of the fence. A permanent fence requires deep spikes. The deep spikes can damage the expensive buried pipes. Temporary fencing allows homeowners to place a fence where they want without worrying about damaging the underground piping. 

For a medium-range solution that will enhance the look of your yard for a duration, ask about the highest quality temporary fencing which will look better and last longer than the more inexpensive options designed for short-term use. 

If you don't want to buy fencing at this time, look into temporary fencing rental for the most budget-friendly option during a construction job or other event. 

Contact a local fencing company to learn more about temporary fencing
