Do You Run a Daycare Facility? 4 Plumbing Issues You Should Not Ignore

Running a daycare facility is hectic; you must ensure that the kids are safe, keep up with the curriculum, and deal with numerous paperwork. While doing all these, you might not have the time to inspect the building—especially the plumbing system—to ensure that everything is in good shape. As a result, you will likely experience plumbing issues when you least expect it, which might inconvenience you and your clients' kids. You need to learn the signs of a failing plumbing system and what to do. This will ensure you seek help and repair the plumbing systems before things get out of hand.

1. Blocked Toilets

Most kids in the daycare center have just learned or are still learning how to use the toilet. Flushing out waste is a new and exciting experience for them, and the new experience will likely carry them away. Since kids are naturally curious, they might flush their pencils, books, toys, or anything that they can get their hands on. When this happens, the toilet will block. Unfortunately, unless you have the right tools and skills, you might not manage to unblock it. For that reason, you need commercial plumbers equipped to handle this situation.

2. Slow Drain

Most kids are picky and moody eaters. So, no matter how great their meal is, they might not be ready to eat when you expect them to. Therefore, if you insist that they finish the food, they might find a way of getting rid of it. For instance, some might flush the food down the toilet or the sink. Unlike toys, food can flush, but no drain can tolerate much of it, especially if it is hard, sticky, or stringy. Therefore, flushing the food down the toilet might lead to slow drains. If this is the issue you are dealing with, it is important to call a plumber to help clean the mess and prevent severe issues like toilet backup.

3. High Bills

As your daycare center grows and you get more kids and staff, you should expect your water bill also to increase. This is because more people are using the water in your facility. However, if you notice that you have increased water bills and do not seem to understand the reason, there is a high chance that you leak your pipes. Leaks are dangerous as they could cause water damage and mold growth. As a result, your client's kids might start having allergies. The best to deal with leaking pipes is by hiring a competent plumber. These experts will examine your building, determine where the leak is coming from and repair it.

If you are running a daycare center, some plumbing issues you should never ignore are blocked toilets, slow drains, and excessive water bills. If you get any of these problems, hire a commercial plumbing repair service to repair the plumbing lines immediately.
