4 Signs You Should Call A Residential Plumbing Service To Re-Pipe Your Home

Most people only call a residential plumbing service when they have a serious problem on their hands. But did you know that there are actually signs you can look for to indicate that your plumbing needs attention? In fact, by catching these problems early on, you can avoid more costly repairs in the future. Read on for 4 signs that it's time to look for a residential plumbing service to re-pipe your home.

1. You're Starting To See Water Damage

This can manifest in a number of ways, including peeling paint, warped floors, and even mold growth. If you notice any of these problems, you should get in touch with an experienced residential plumbing service ASAP to have the pipes inspected. Water damage can cause serious structural problems if left unchecked, so it's best to nip the issue in the bud as soon as possible.

2. Your Water Pressure Is Getting Low

Another sign that your home's plumbing requires attention is if you notice that your water pressure is getting lower than usual. This could be due to a number of factors, including a build-up of sediment in your pipes. Residential plumbing services will be able to determine if you need to re-pipe your home or not.

3. Your Pipes Are Making Strange Noises

If you start to hear strange noises coming from your pipes, it's definitely time to give a plumbing professional a call. These noises could indicate that there's something caught in your pipes, or that they're starting to corrode. Either way, it's best to have a plumbing inspection as soon as possible.

4. You Have An Old Home

If you live in an older home, it's definitely a good idea to get your pipes checked out periodically. That's because older homes are more likely to have outdated or damaged plumbing. While you may not need to re-pipe your entire home, it's still a good idea to have a residential plumbing service come and give it a look to see if any repairs or updates need to be made.

Your plumbing system will always give you signs that it needs repair, and the best thing you can do is to not ignore them. Also, attempting to DIY may be counterproductive, and that's why you should let a professional handle things. If you notice any of these four signs, don't hesitate to call a residential plumbing service. By catching problems early on, you can avoid more serious damage down the road.  
