The Installation Of An Upright Water Heater And Expansion Tank

Some modern homes may contain a closed plumbing system that routes water in one direction. This type of plumbing may need to be attached to an expansion tank. An expansion tank is an add-on plumbing feature that will prevent damage to plumbing components.

A Closed Plumbing System

A residence that contains a closed plumbing system will allow water to flow inward but prevent water from flowing in the reverse direction. A hot water heater consists of a storage tank that is designed to hold a specific quantity of water. As the water heats up inside of the tank, the water will expand. The water volume expansion will push water into pipes that attach to a water tank. The expansion will also drive a water pressure rating up. 

As a result of an expansion, excess water and an increased water pressure rating could damage plumbing materials. Plumbers who service closed plumbing systems may recommend the installation of an expansion tank. This tank is small in size and may be connected directly to a water line or a hot water heater. An expansion tank can be purchased at the same time that a new water heater is purchased. Both the full-size tank and the expansion tank will be constructed of steel. 

Essential Materials That A Plumber May Use

Any type of water heater that contains a reservoir can be attached to a closed plumbing system. A new homeowner should consult with the plumbing contractor who installed a plumbing system, to determine if their residence relies upon an open or closed configuration. If a home is being purchased through a realtor or a private property owner, the seller will indicate what type of plumbing system is within a residence.

A plumber will need to turn off a water supply, prior to installing a brand new water tank and expansion tank. Access to water needs to be temporarily suspended so that plumbing materials can be installed. A plumber will determine where to install each component and may use a bracing system that will attach directly to an expansion tank.

A metal bracket that is designed to wrap around the expansion tank may be used to attach the tank directly to the outside of an upright water heater. If an expansion tank is going to be installed independently, a plumber will determine what types of bracing materials will be needed to support the weight of the tank.

To learn more, contact a company like Guerra Bros Plumbing Inc.
