Top 3 Benefits Of Hydro Jetting To Unclog Water Pipes

A clogged pipe or sewer line is one of the worst nightmares a home or business owner can experience. The last thing you want is for water to overflow in your sink or when you flush the toilet because there's grime, gunk, or dirt blocking your pipes.

In these instances, one of the best options to clear the blockage in pipes and sewer lines is hydro jetting. Hydro jetting blasts a pressurized jet of water that breaks down any gunk, grime, dirt, and even roots blocking your pipes.

Below are the top three benefits of hydro jet pipe cleaning.

Cleans Pipes Thoroughly

Pipes need regular cleaning because they are prone to blockages. That's why it's essential to clean them thoroughly when they clog so they can serve you for longer intervals before they clog again.

Traditional methods of pipe cleaning like using a snake have the tendency of only dredging a hole through the clog. Thus, pipes end up blocking again within no time.

Hydro jetting, on the other hand, breaks down clogs into tiny bits that will easily pass through the system. As a result, hydro jet pipe cleaning guarantees you longer intervals before pipes are clogged enough to require another round of cleaning.

Sanitary and Environmentally-Friendly

Cleaning pipes, especially sewer lines can be a messy affair. Methods such as snaking contaminate the tools used to clear blockage, which can then be transferred onto your bathroom or workstation. 

Hydro jet pipe cleaning is faster than other methods and rarely needs any contact with the blockage. The method is also environmentally-friendly as it uses clean water to break down the clog instead of chemical compounds.

Affordable and Preventative Maintenance

Unclogging pipes and sewers can be a time-consuming business when using traditional methods. Some clogs may be hard to reach due to the layout of pipes while some pipes might be fragile when using brute force.

Hydro jet pipe cleaning is faster, which means less downtime and thus saves costs. Additionally, there is less stress and strain on the plumbing when you use this method of cleaning pipes.

Most importantly, due to the thoroughness of hydro jet pipe cleaning, pipes are bound to last longer and serve you better without damage.

Using hydro jet pipe cleaning to unclog your pipes and keep them clean will give you peace of mind and ensure you don't have to deal with the sludge that comes with blocked and overflowing plumbing systems.
