Winter Is Coming: 3 Top Winter Plumbing Issues To Avoid

Homeowners in most parts of the country know how frigid the temperatures get once the winter sets in. During the cold months of the year, your home will be more susceptible to developing plumbing issues than any other time of the year. The most affected parts are all the pipes that run through the exterior. However, you can avoid the complications by applying protective measures. Here are the top four winter plumbing complications that arise and how to handle them. 

Frozen Pipes in the House Exterior

One of the most common issues that people deal with in the winter is frozen pipes. Pipes freeze when the temperature drops below zero degrees and the water inside solidifies into ice. As the water freezes, it expands, putting pressure on the pipe walls. Sometimes, the pressure could be too much, leading to the pipes bursting. However, you can make some changes to ensure they stay safe through the winter. For instance, you may winterize all your plumbing pipes before the winter starts. You can do this by insulating metallic parts and protecting them from freezing. 

Clogs in the Kitchen Disposal

It might seem like water generally starts moving slower in the winter. Often, this is because winter is also the holiday season, and you are likely to have a lot of people in the house. The cooking, entertaining and excessive bathroom use puts a strain on the plumbing. It will be more when your family members do not manage your plumbing system. You can instruct them to avoid putting certain foods down the garbage disposal. It is wise to flush the disposal each time you use it. Finally, clean the disposal often to remove the buildup that eventually leads to clogs. 

Failing Water Heater

Failing water heaters are another problem in the winter. Its impact is felt in the winter because this is the time you need hot water the most. You can assess parts of the heater and find any damage and malfunctions are leading to the failure. Sometimes the problem is a simple as thermostat failure. Also, check whether the unit connects to its power source. You can call in a plumber to service the heater to avoid a breakdown in the winter. 

You're more likely to prevent these problems by having a professional check the state of your entire home's plumbing before the winter starts. With their help, your winter will be easy.
