4 Most Common Emergency Plumbing Issues In Your Home

Plumbing emergencies are complex to handle. They also need someone that can respond quickly because they may compromise your health, the safety of your family members, and the structural integrity of the house. The best way to avert emergencies is by regularly and properly maintaining your plumbing lines. However, it is not possible to control everything. Here are the most common plumbing emergencies in the home and how to manage them. 

The Water Pipes Are Broken

Broken water pipes are a serious plumbing emergency. They can cause severe water damage to your property when not checked and repaired in time. Your entire home can flood in minutes if you do not turn off the water at the main supply. However, if it is a situation where you are unable to turn the water off, then you should switch off all electrical appliances and call an emergency plumber immediately. They can either repair or replace the broken pipe, depending on the degree of its damage. 

The Bathroom Plumbing Is in Trouble

The bathroom is the most sensitive part of your plumbing system. It is wise to be careful when handling bathroom plumbing because even a minor issue can become a hygiene concern for your family. For example, a clog in the toilet drainage will lead to sewage backing up into your house, which compromises your health. Other toilet plumbing emergencies include an overflowing toilet cistern and a slow draining toilet. These are issues you can manage with the help of an emergency plumber. The bathtub and shower might also become blocked when there is a hair clog in the drain. 

The Water Heater Is Leaking

An efficient water heater provides you with a constant hot water supply for all your domestic needs. However, if the tank leaks, it can cause massive water damage. Never try to repair a broken water heater without professional help. The tank's systems are intricate, and a small mistake can create a safety hazard in the home.

A Sewer Line Has Become Blocked

A blocked sewer line is another common plumbing issue. Flushing the wrong things down the drain and tree roots infiltrating the pipe are typical sources of the clogs. The emergency plumber can use camera technology to locate the blockage and then remove it.

Get reliable emergency plumbing services to help you manage all your emergencies. They will give you peace of mind, lengthen the life of your plumbing, and safeguard your home from damage. Contact a company like Easy Rooter Plumbing to learn more.
