What Are The Indicators Of A Blocked Sewer Line At Home?

Dealing with plumbing issues is a normal part of homeownership, but not all plumbing issues are created equal. While you should always bring in a professional plumber when facing any plumbing problem, you only need them for problems you can't fix yourself.

One of the worst plumbing issues you're going to need an expert for is a blocked main sewer line. A clogged main sewer drain will prevent wastewater and sewage from exiting your home in a smooth and efficient manner, increasing the risk of a backflow into your home. The best way to prevent wastewater and sewage backing up in your home is to look for early signs of trouble and undertake remedial measures before it's too late.

Highlighted below are some of the most common issues indicating you may have a clogging problem with your main sewer line.

Your Drains Are Draining Slowly

Slow drains indicate you may be experiencing one of two types of plumbing problems: a blocked drain or a blocked main sewer line. If the problem affects a particular drain to the exclusion of others, you'll need to undertake blocked drain repair on that drain only. 

But if the drains throughout your house are having a similar problem, then you'll need to draw your attention to the main sewer drain buried outside.

Your Drains Produce Gurgling Noise

If you hear a gurgling noise every time the water goes down your drains, you should be alerted of potential clogging problems with your residential drainage system. To know whether you have a blockage in a particular drain within the house or the main sewer line, diagnose where the noise is coming from.

If it's coming from a specific drain only, focus your attention on that drain. If the drains throughout your home gurgle when water goes down through them, you may be facing more serious clogging issues with your main sewer line.

Your House Smells Like Sewage

Your residential drain pipes are connected to a venting system that helps to direct sewer gas away from your home. Sewer gas is a noxious mix of chemical gases that are produced within the drainage system. It is a byproduct of human waste decomposition.

If there's a blockage in the drains or the main sewer drain, sewer gas may escape from the drainage system and end up in your home, leading to poor indoor air quality.

If you observe the above signs of a blocked main sewer line, shut off the water supply to your home and call a professional plumber for assistance.

Visit websites like https://www.knightsplumbinganddrain.com/ to learn more.
